&hint1=I was crafted c.1073-83& &hint2=I am wool embroidery on linen& &hint3=I show someone swearing an oath& &hint4=I am a tapestry& &choices=Bayeux Tapestry, detail of Angli et Franci in prelio;Cleopatra's Needle, Thames Embankment, London;Bayeux Tapestry, detail of Ubi Harold Sacramentum Fecit;Lion-hunting scene from the palace of Ashurbanipal;Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram;Dying Lioness, from the palace of Ashurbanipal& &answer=Bayeux Tapestry, detail of Ubi Harold Sacramentum Fecit& &search=Bayeux Tapestry Ubi& &title=Bayeux Tapestry, detail of Ubi Harold Sacramentum Fecit& &artist=& &medium=Wool embroidery on linen& &date=c. 1073-83& &location=Bayeux Tapstry Museum& &dimensions=height 11'8"&